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simulacrum of life

Monday, October 09, 2006

Johnny Ringo’s Nine-Layer Cake: A Meme To Peel Away the Layers of You

got this off a blog

– Name: what did i sign off as? ah yes, satchithananda (that is what i shall be called when i retire to the himalayas and become a yogi who has attained enlightenment)
– Birth date: september 28th
– Birthplace: singapore
– Current Location: singapore
– Eye Color: brown
– Hair Color: brown on my head, black on my face with bits of red (god knows how they got there)
– Height: 175cm
– Righty or Lefty: righty
– Zodiac Sign: libra

– Your heritage: telugu, tamil, rajasthani and maybe other unknown things
– The shoes you wore today: green havaianas
– Your weakness: the right smile
– Your fears: that my loved ones will die before I do (had a nightmare about this once. something like 9/11 happened at my wedding reception and i was the only 1 who survived, and i think i was on the verge of killing myself when i woke up :s)
– Your perfect pizza: made by my own 2 hands, thin and puffy and topped with oodles of fresh stringy buffalo milk mozzarella
– Goal you’d like to achieve: what are goals?

– Your most overused phrase on AIM: ahh ok (or variations of it)
– Your first waking thoughts: :D
– Your best physical feature: eyes and lips
– Your most missed memory: oi!! that's not a 3rd layer question, so i'm not sharing :Þ

– Pepsi or Coke: coke
– McDonald’s or Burger King: neither?
– Single or group dates: depends on who
– Adidas or Nike: adidas
– Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: masala chai :Þ
– Chocolate or vanilla: dark semi sweet chocolate
– Cappuccino or coffee: only diff for me betw the 2 is the foam, because i have at least as much in my coffee

LAYER FIVE: (Do/Did you…)
– Smoke: tried it
– Cuss: hmm.. have even had my cussing made fun of :P
– Sing: in the shower
– Take a shower everyday: i try not to in an effort to save water. if someone would share showers with me, i might have them everyday because then i might not feel so guilty. takers? ;)
– Think you’ve been in love: yea
– Want to go to college: not again.
– Like high school: not particularly
– Want to get married: yub yub
– Believe in yourself: Most days.
– Get motion sickness: no. and that would ruin alot of things i have planned for later. ;)
– Think you’re attractive: on some days
– Think you’re a health freak: no way
– Get along with your parent(s): yes lucky me. they can be difficult, but they’re not psycho like some others i know.
– Like thunderstorms: yupsie. and i like doing particular things while it’s raging outside the window *cough*
– Play an instrument: learnt the tabla. am willing to play just about any percussion instrument. all you need is a sense of rhythm after all.

LAYER SIX: (In the past month, have you…)
– Had alcohol: no
– Smoked: no.
– Done a drug: no.
– Made Out: i need a volunteer!!!
– Gone on a date: no. i only go on non-dates and fake dates :Þ
– Gone to the mall: yup.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no.
– Eaten sushi: no, but i really wouldn't mind some sashimi sometime soon
– Been on stage: no
– Been dumped: no
– Gone skating: no
– Made homemade cookies: no
– Gone skinny dipping: no
– Dyed your hair: no
– Stolen Anything: no

(note on the layer six: i don't think i'm that boring. just that it only asks about the past month)

LAYER SEVEN: (Have you ever…)
– Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
– Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea.. and nearly walked into a fight
– Been called a tease: no
– Gotten beat up: no
– Shoplifted: yea
– Changed who you were to fit in: don't we all, at least a wee bit?

– Age you are hoping to be married: when i am ready
– Numbers and Names of Children: i wanna have anandas for boys (e.g. satchithANANDA, premANANDA) but have doubts as to whether the wife would be ok with it. or we could just name them according to hindu astrology
–Describe your Dream Wedding: our families, and something small, sweet and simple (haha.. fat hope of that happening :Þ ever seen a SMALL or SIMPLE traditional indian wedding?)
– How do you want to die: painlessly and with my dignity intact. i am hoping that euthanasia would be legal by then, to help me with it
– Where you want to go to college: not again
– What do you want to be when you grow up: happy
– What country would you most like to visit: you cannot ask a travel whore to choose ONE country.. i refuse to choose!!

– Number of drugs taken illegally: can you include people as drugs?
– Number of people I could trust with my life: quite a few, really.
– Number of CDs that I own: i'm not very organised with my CDs
– Number of piercings: 3
– Number of tattoos: none
– Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 3 or 4 times i think.
– Number of scars on my body: with stitches, 1. other sorta scars, like pimples and all. MANY
– Number of things in my past that I regret: a few things. :(

(if you've seen the meme that i used as my template, let me just say that all answers that have been left the same are absolutely intentional. can i help it that the person wrote my answers for me?!?!)

thus spake satchithananda at 10:48 am


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