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simulacrum of life

Sunday, January 14, 2007

b and b

he had not stepped into the room for what seemed like a long time. as he looked at the tousled bedsheet and the blanket bunched up in a corner, the memories started seeping into his consciousness. as he gently sat down on the corner of the bed, his eyes started to glaze over. as he lifted the blanket to his face, the potpourri of scents assaulted his olfactory memory in a surge, and he was taken back to that day when he shared the bed with her...

the two of them dancing to a slow jazz track, as the rain poured outside. as the drumming of the rain grew louder and steadier, the beat of their hearts slowed to one constant beat. were they one or were they two? as their pathway across the room approached the bed, they gently fell into the bed, him on top of her, with his hand behind her head and his mouth covering hers...

hours later, the floor littered with their clothes, the scent of their lovemaking hung heavily in the air. they lay on the bed, cuddling, bodies intertwined. their minutes ago, furiously racing hearts slowing down together as they sighed with contentment.

as their heartbeats slowed, and it got colder, they hugged each other tighter and pulled the blanket up to cover themselves and slipped into blissful sleep

thus spake satchithananda at 11:20 am | permalink |


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Thursday, January 11, 2007

upon a cliff

wheezing really badly, like a balloon slowly deflating, he dragged himself to the top of the rocky outcrop. as he stood upright and took in the sights from the cliff, his wheezing stopped (actually, his breath had been taken away). then he remembered that she was right behind him. he turned around and reached out and grasped her outstretched hand and yanked her up the final step. an "oomph" and a "thump" later saw him lying flat on the rock, feeling quite winded, and her lying atop him with a cheeky grin plastered across her face. it never failed to amaze him how she could be all smiles, even when it seemed like there was nothing worth smiling about.

they slowly rose to their feet and with their arms encircling the other, they turned and faced the ocean. the vastness of the pacific overwhelmed their senses. looking out into its vastness made them realise just how small they were, and they huddled together, pulling themselves closer trying to join as one. with her head resting on his chest, and his hand cradling her head, they were indeed a postcard-worthy sight to behold.

they sat. she in front of him between his legs, head lying against his chest. his arms hugging her around her front. they sat there in comfortable silence for hours upon hours. it got cold. they squeezed closer together to try and stay warm. and then it got dark. despite not wanting to break the spell of the moment, they had to leave, and leave they did with pangs in their hearts and heaving sighs upon coming out of the spell.

thus spake satchithananda at 7:23 pm | permalink |


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Friday, January 05, 2007

morning rambles

i woke up feeling anew. love in all it's forms surrounding me. your laughter ringing in my ears. smile, i did, as i lazed in bed.

i wish i knew why. long are the days and long are the nights. for without you, i wonder what life holds. you make bad things good and good things better. call me a sap if you will. me, i think i'll just settle for being plain old me.

thus spake satchithananda at 10:25 am | permalink |


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Monday, January 01, 2007

the year in short

this is both the first post of 2007 as well as the 100th post on this blog. as i reminisce about the year gone by, if i do so, please forgive the maudlinness.

significant events and lessons learnt from the past year:
  1. a fair bit of travelling. dubai, sydney, sydney, istanbul, sydney, mumbai, sydney.
  2. final semester of uni and GRADUATION!!!
  3. made sydney a place that will always hold a special place in my heart.
  4. found love in the most unexpected of places with one i'd never have imagined possible.
  5. many many firsts ;) (not gonna mention them on a public blog :Þ)
  6. realised that once bitten twice shy does not apply to me.
  7. realised that if i REALLY want something, i am capable of going all out to get it.
  8. enlisted for NS and am now officially "military personnel"
  9. realised that time does not always heal wounds. it just helps to forget the pain for a while until something comes along to rip it open again.
  10. i think the true measure of love is not when a person says that they would die for you, but when they say that they'd live for you, even when giving up and dying looks like the more appealing option.
wishes for the new year:
  1. get a bod that would look appealing.
  2. try and get more hair on my head.
  3. try to not let my brains rot and hopefully even let them be stimulated (a matter of concern whilst in NS)
  4. try and help somebody at least once a day.
  5. try cooking something new every month.
  6. spread joy through the consumption of good cooking.

thus spake satchithananda at 11:12 am | permalink |


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