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simulacrum of life

Thursday, July 13, 2006

book whoring: freddy and fredericka

WARNING: it is highly advisable that you do not read this book in public, because frequent uncontrollable fits of laughter might have people around you thinking that you are probably a wee bit off your rockers.

in this work of fiction, the characters are based on the british royal family. the book reads like a mix of monty python, naked gun and at times, waxes lyrical.

let me describe a short scene that had me rolling around in stitches.

the prince and princess of wales, freddy and fredericka, are staying in their private residence moocock and fredericka's pit bull (named after her personal nutritionist who died of malnutrition) has run away. the only way that the staff know of getting the dog back is to smear a person's face with gorgonzola cheese (VERY STINKY cheese) and call out the dog's name. and eventually the dog would return to lick the cheese off, and whilst it's doing so, the person would clip on the leash. unfortunately only the dog's keeper and the prince are qualified to do so, and since the keepr is not around, it's up to good ole freddy to do the deed.

so we have the prince of wales trotting around a village yelling out the dog's name, which incidentally is "pha-kew". (say it out loud, maybe not so loud if you're around polite company) anyways he goes around asking villagers "i wonder if you've seen my dog, pha-kew" to which he gets appropriate responses. and just as a wedding party is heading out of a pub, he notices the dog just beyond the party, so he runs helter skelter toward it screaming at the top of his voice "pha-kew!! pha-kew!! pha-kew!!"

thus spake satchithananda at 9:46 am


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